Monday, July 16, 2007

Militant Atheism

With the popularity of Atheism on the rise, so is the occurrence of Atheist actively trying to convince religious people that they are wrong. Christian's and sympathetic atheists are starting to point fingers at this phenomenon with a "shame on you" disgust.

Here's my take on it. I completely support freedom of religion. One thing that freedom of religion does is allow you to proselytize. In other words, it allows you to try and change minds. To convince others that your view is more correct, and others should "see the light". When I was a Christian, I was a master at debating the details of salvation according to the Bible with other Christians of differing faiths.

How can Christians be so opposed to my trying to change their minds regarding their view of religion? Isn't that the highest form of hypocrisy you've ever heard of? In one breath, they want to convert me to their ideas and in the other condemn me for my wanting to convince them that my ideas are true.

I'm sure there are a few atheists who call Christians "stupid" and other names. I don't do this because I'm trying to change minds.

Why am I trying to change minds? I'm doing this because our educational system is under attack. I'm doing this because I can't buy beer on Sunday. Actually, I rarely drink beer, but damn it anyways. I'm doing this because some aspects of fundamentalist religion are emotionally damaging- especially to children (and women, for the holiness movement). I'm doing it to avert the next war.

So, what about all my moderate Christian friends and relatives? They aren't hurting anyone are they? They support the framework out of which radical views can come. They indoctrinate their children to believe that it is noble to believe without proof. So, I will try and change their minds when possible.

So, I'll try and keep Atheists civil. One thing is for sure. I doubt any of us will be flying planes into buildings. However, we might try to get Christians to think about why they believe Christianity is true.

Monday, July 9, 2007


This sums it up. I know that- When I was a fundamentalist Christian, this is exactly what we did.

Click to enlarge.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Water Cooler Atheist

Oh man, the ending of this made me laugh.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Is There Free Will in Christianity?: An Examination of Hell vs Free Will

The other day, I was trying to recall what it was that started me down the path of free thinking (which ultimately resulted in my leaving Christianity). One thing that did it was my realization that hell could not be real. This video summarizes how I came to this conclusion. It compares the doctrines of free will and eternal punishment, and concludes that they cannot coexist.

Is There Free Will In Christianity? -An Examination Of Free Will - Funny home videos are a click away